Army Challenge Coins - For Raising Morale

Coins or medallions, which bear the insignia of an organization, are distributed among the members to have a feeling of camaraderie and brotherhood among the members and to boost their morale. They are mostly used by the military units so that the recipients feel the loyalty and brings unwavering attitude towards the organization. These are best for boosting up the morale of the unit members.


This popular tradition of air force coin started from the US Air Force, when a wealthy lieutenant was awarded the bronze coins and then he distributed them among his other squadron members.
These air force coins were quite expensive as being plated with gold. One of the pilots wear it at the chest in leather pouch. The Germans caught this pilot in WWII. But then because of the bombardment of British on the camp, the pilot got a chance to escape and then he reached the French patrol. The pilot took out the army coin so that to prove his allegiance and identification as they were considering him as the German agent and were about to kill him.The sign over the coin saved him as the Frenchman recognized it. When he returned to his base and told the story to other members, the army coins was hailed as his savior and since then has gained in popularity.

There are many other stories doing rounds pertaining to the origin of these air force challenge coins and no one is sure of their exact roots. These army coins soon became so popular that numerous units started to make them and distribute them among the members to boost and lift the confidence of the members and to let them feel the pride of being a member of the group. The trend of distributing the coins became so popular in short time that this practice is not only common among the military units but other organizations have also adopted it; even students have started distributing the medallions and coins among members so that to lift the morale.

The Presidents like the Bill Clinton and the present incumbent Barack Obama used to flaunt the army coins and air force challenge coins behind their office desk and this practice shows the importance of these army coins. Obama displayed these coins at the Fort Hood shooting commemorating slain soldiers.

The tradition of challenging
The passion related to these air force coins has somehow thinned now but the importance is still at the same place. The custom of army coins was designed inventively so that to make it sure that every member of the organization carry these army coins. The member was asked to purchase the drinks who don't be able to produce the army coin. But if the person who was challenged succeeded to produce the coin then the challenger has to buy the drinks.

Holders of these medallions carry them with pride on their chest pockets. Though these army challenge coins are meant to be earned, people today buy them at auctions to keep as collectible items.